The "Black on Black Crime"

Lets just talk about black on black crime. So maybe I can prove that I'm not another angry black person. I would like to bring up the fact that the term isn't even helping the situation at all. The term is factually correct, but its simple and emotionally charged. The term is very misleading and it brings harmful stereotypes onto black people. It just says that all black men are basic thugs and murders. But few seem to realize that these murderers were created by the american system. It doesn't educate. It leaves very few jobs for them live off. The system over-polices and over-incarcerates. This is just everyday life in poor neighborhoods. But since I'm here to talk about the violence, that's what I'll do. From 1976 to 2005, 94 percent of recorded black crime victims were killed by other black Americans. The black victimization rate was 20.1 per 100,000. Its more than 3 times the Hispanic rate, which is 6.4. And its over 7 times the average white rate, 2.7. The black community strongly disapproves with these high crime rates, but their distrust in police is even stronger. Violence in the black community is enabled by the lack of cooperation with police. But I mean who came blame the black community? 

Despite all mistreatment and lynchings from white people in the 19th century black homicide was largely committed by black people. From 1839 to 1901 two-thirds of homicide arrests of black people were for murdering other people of color. Between 1937 and 1944 in Birmingham, Alabama, even though the black population was 40 percent, the percent of black killers and victims were 85 percent. I can go on and on about how the highest number of homicides are committed by black people. But what I can't understand is how the system does nothing to help these rates go down. The cities need to work on police interactions with black people. The black community has the rule "no snitching". But what people need to understand is that your life could be taken just for saying name in a criminal investigation. The police and black community need to work together to provide more safe environments for the community. I'm not saying that it won't be hard but we need to work together to stop this senseless crime.


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