"I can't breathe" George Floyd and Eric Garner

Okay, so now that we have all of the basic stuff I want to talk about current situations. Let’s just start with police brutality. They are so many victims that I can’t even get them all on one post. I want to bring up ones with similar deaths. Let’s start with Eric Garner and George Floyd. Both were deprived of oxygen and died. Eric Garner was put in an illegal choke hold and George had someone kneeling on his neck. They both said the iconic line “I can’t breathe.” Now what kind of person would continue to deprive them air, after they said MULTIPLE times that they couldn’t breathe. Both men were killed by the same police officers who are supposed to protect us. The officer continued to kneel on George’s neck even after the had him cuffed. And his partner stood there and let it happen. Bystanders told the officers to stop. They even told the officers that he was unresponsive and the officer stayed on his neck. This officer that killed George was on his neck for almost 10 minutes. The officers that killed Eric Garner were all on top of him. They approached him after a friend said "he broke up a fight." The police approached asking if he was selling single cigarettes because he had prior run ins with the law about this. He told them that he hadn't done anything. The witnesses backed him, but the police decided to take him down. Sadly he was killed by the choke hold that Daniel Pantaleo put him in while he was being pushed face down on the ground by around 3 other cops. He said "I couldn't breathe" 11 times before falling unconscious. He laid on the side  walk for 7 minutes while waiting on an ambulance. The officer who killed him wasn't fired until 5 years after the tragedy. The police were called on George after a deli worker "claimed" he tried to use a fake 20 dollar bill. Their last words have been used as the quote of Black Lives Matter protests all over.

Eric Garner

George Floyd

Both of these cases anger me. Both black men were killed by over policing. Our country can even admit to this. These black men were treated like criminals. But the officers behind these crimes aren't being treated as what they are. They should be treated as criminals and suffer the consequences of murdering someone. They took away proud fathers and hard-working men. Both died walking and doing daily activities while black. Our skin is seen as a weapon by itself so any sign of resistance scares them. To anyone out their on the front line fighting for justice, please be safe. I wish I could be out there, but for now I think it's best that I just spread word online.


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